The Polar Bear Safari 2015: Day 3

Having had such good polar bear action so early on in the safari, we wanted to try something a little different, and see if we could find some of the other inhabitants of this remote region. We managed to find a couple of flocks of ptarmigans, which presented a challenge to the cameras – trying to photograph white on white is not the easiest, but with a bit of practice, we managed a few good photographs. There were hundreds of sets of tracks for all sorts of little animals, like arctic foxes, arctic hares, snowshoe hares and the little lemmings, but they chose to stay hidden. We did get a lucky break during lunch however, when a pine martin busied itself hunting lemmings outside the lodge. That was a real treat! A male polar bear appeared on the ice later in the day, so he took the attention of the cameras for a good while.

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