The Great Migration Safari: Day 8

As now seems to be the norm, we started off with a spotted hyena den site, with 1 adult hanging around the den. Immediately afterwards we happened across 2 more hyenas feeding on the remains of a young wildebeest kill.  It was the classic Masai Mara scene, with a couple of black-backed jackals hanging around looking for some scraps, and all the vultures coming in to see what they could get. When the hyenas were done, we made our way back to the Mara River to see if we could photograph any crossing action.  After the usual wildebeest back and forth, we managed to see quite a big crossing, which was made even more exciting by the arrival of a large crocodile. It didn’t take the crocodile long to pick off a victim. The young wildebeest really didn’t stand a chance.  We ended the day with 3 lions getting ready for the nights hunt.

Major sightings of the day:

Spotted hyena den, with 1 adult at the den

2 spotted hyena feeing on wildebeest

2 lions

Many different elephants

1 river crossing

Crocodile kill

3 black-backed jackals

Many buffalo

3 lions

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The Great Migration Safari: Day 6

Some more good action coming out of this wonderful safari!  The hyena den close to the camp was again active, with 3 small, black cubs running around and playing.  A male leopard was the next animal to find itself in front of our cameras, as he was out and about looking for a meal. He stalked quite close to a herd of wildebeest, but as he was getting really interested, a second herd of wildebeest spotted him.  To be fair, the second herd of wildebeest was about 30,000 strong so one of them was bound to see him.  We left the leopard and made our way back down to the river to see if we could photograph any more crossing action, and again, we were in luck. Three more river crossings with a crocodile kill added in, is what was in store for us!  Again, a young wildebeest was the unlucky victim. After all the action of the river crossings, we slowly made our way back to camp.

There was, however, still more to see and photograph.  We found a pride of 5 lions having a hard rest in the shade of a tree, and tucked away in a dense thicket, we found a different lioness with 2 very small cubs.  They were so small, that she had not yet introduced them to the rest of the pride. Realising just how lucky we were to have stumbled upon their den site, we moved off so as not to draw any unwanted attention to them.  Close to the camp, we found our first black rhino of the safari!  As is always the case with black rhino, he wasn’t so keen to be seen out in the open, so he made for the nearest bush and disappeared.

Major sightings of the day:

Hyena den with 3 cubs

Many buffalo

Many herds of elephants

Male leopard stalking wildebeest

3 different river crossings

Crocodile kill

Pride of 5 lions

Lioness with 2 small cubs

Male black rhino

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The Great Migration Safari 2013: Day 10 with Amboseli add-on

What a way to end such a great safari!  Most of our morning was spent with a herd of around 100 elephants, going about their business and providing us with unbelievable photographic opportunities.  Leaving the elephants and heading back to the camp, there was one last surprise waiting for us – a pride of 4 lionesses with 7 cubs had just killed a wildebeest at the edge of a waterhole, and were busy feeding.

Major sightings of the day:

  • A herd of ±100 elephants
  • Giraffe
  • 3 verreauxs eagle owls
  • Lanner falcon
  • Fringe eared oryx
  • Good plains game
  • 4 lionesses and 7 cubs on a wildebeest kill

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The Great Migration Safari 2013: Day 9 with Amboseli add-on

As expected, in Amboseli there were loads of elephants out and about.  Many large herds were seen, most with young calves.  We were also lucky enough to see some lions; 2 females with 2 cubs.  They were sleeping close to a large male elephant who felt like showing his might, and eventually chased them off.  Mount Kilimanjaro appeared both in the morning and again in the late afternoon, but the real highlight was an african wild cat walking around in the middle of the day.

Major sightings of the day:

  • Many herds of elephants
  • Elephants in the swamps
  • Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Good plains game
  • African wild cat
  • 2 lionesses with 2 cubs next to male elephant

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The Great Migration Safari 2013: Day 8 with Amboseli add-on

Our final morning in the Masai Mara delivered photographic magic just as the rest of the safari had.  We started off with 7 lions playing with each other in the most beautiful morning light – a truly great hour.  When the lions had settled down, a hyaena was spotted in the distance carrying the remains of a thomson’s gazelle, so we followed for the better part of 30 minutes, which led us to 4 lionesses that were hunting wildebeest.  They had got themselves into a good position, but a warthog came running straight through the middle of the carefully planned hunt, causing the lions to give chase.  The warthog got away and the wildebeest moved off.

Transferring into Amboseli, we got started with our elephant viewing immediately, with a couple of herds swimming and feeding in the swamps.  Our first incredible view of the great Mount Kilimanjaro did not disappoint, and with both sightings of giraffes and elephants in front of Africa’s highest mountain, it was a photographer’s dream.  Some amazing bird life was also photographed today, including the rare lesser flamingo, and the grey crowned crane.

Major sightings of the day:

  • Large herd of buffalo
  • 7 lions playing
  • Hyaena carrying a thomson’s gazelle
  • 4 lionesses hunting wildebeest and chasing a warthog
  • Elephants
  • Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Elephants swimming in swamps as well as many other elephant herds
  • Spotted hyaena
  • Lesser flamingoes
  • Grey crowned crane

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